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Fleet Management

As part of Lencrow Materials Handling extensive range of services we provide Fleet Management as an option for long term use of equipment. The benefit of fleet management is that we manage your total material handling needs by covering the machines maintenance and replacement. We provide comprehensive site appraisals and detailed unit analysis to give you a customised overview of the equipment you need and in what quantity to maximise productivity.

We manage and provide regular reports for KPI’s and details that include:

  • How you are utilising the equipment.
  • Hourly fleet expenses.
  • Excess hours
  • Tyre usage and costs

The key benefits of fleet management are listed below and significance may vary from company to company:

  1. Fleet management plans cover the entire cost of the use of a new forklift and includes all future repairs and maintenance for the length of the contract.
  2. It is 100% tax deductible.
  3. Ownership of a machine contributes nothing to your profit and rarely contributes to capital gain. Utilisation creates profit, not ownership.
  4. It provides an accurate measurement of the value of the service of the equipment.
  5. Fleet Management is a commitment but is not required to be shown as a liability in your company’s financial statement – it offers 100% financing.
  6. Fleet Management aids corporate budget planning. Plans are tailored to your contract or particular operational requirements.
  7. We can provide complete fleet changeover to new equipment with your existing fleet being purchased by us at market value.

In summary, Fleet Management is utilised in most instances by companies because it is less costly than using your own or borrowed funds. As a result it preserves working capital, gives greater budget control, less management and administration involvement and ensures correct servicing with increased productivity. Our Fleet Management plans can be introduced to your operation to suit your needs.